About me

The essentials


Right now I’m working as Data Scientist as Santander Brazil, also I’m a PhD student on Complex Systems, an interdisciplinary field of sciences, working with networks in general. I’ve studied Complex Networks, Econophysics, Markowitz efficient frontier, Minimum Spanning Tree in stock market and Black-Scholes model, algorithms and data structures. My background is in physics and statistical mechanics. I have some skills with programming languages, machine learning algorithms, data mining and data visualization.

About Data Science, I found my passion. This science field give to me another reason to looking forward in science and research. As data scientist I can solve complex problems from Business World and give me a purpose as scientist.

As data scientist I solve business problems related to Credit Risk Management, modelling and implementing solution with Machine Learning and Business Inteligence. Here are some of my projects that I solve daily:

- Credit Risk score to negatived people
- Fraud Detection


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