Emanuel Fontelles

+55 85 98958-0740


Personal Website

emanuelfontelles @fisica.ufc.br
Github / LinkedIn

About me

I am a PhD student on Complex Systems, an interdisciplinary field of sciences, working with networks in general. I've studied Complex Networks, Econophysics, algorithms and data structures. My background is in physics and statistical mechanics. I have skills on programming languages, machine learning algorithms, data mining and data visualization.


I have an solid mathematical and programming background. I am looking for a data scientist position to explore my skills as scientist, as also an exploratory data analyst.

PhD student

Ceará, BR

Programming Skills

Data Science

I am an active Python user doing scientific computing. I am proficient using Python data science ecosystem to perform a variety of tasks required in a daily data science project such as data exploration, visualizations and machine learning. I am also familiar with software and web development tools.

  Pandas, Scikit-Learn, NumPy, Seaborn, Matplotlib, NetworkX, SciPy, Plotly and Bokeh.

  C/C++, R, Julia, Git, GitHub, Markdown, Jekyll, Ruby on Rails, Gem, YAML, JSON, SQL, CSV, XML, HTML/CSS and Javascript.

System Maintenance

  Linux, Bash, SSH and Windows


PhD in Physics, Complex Systems

Federal University of Ceará
Ceará, BR

MSc in Physics, Complex Systems

Federal University of Ceará
Ceará, BR

Master thesis: Estudo de redes complexas e Mecânica Estatística não-extensiva.
(Complex networks and non-extensive Statistical Mechanics).

BSc in Physics

Federal University of Ceará
Ceará, BR

Bachelor thesis: Percolação e Criticalidade Auto-Organizada.
(Percolation and Self Organized Critically).

Contact me
